In part I, we learned how to develop the mindset and foundation of a successful manifestor and it is also a crucial step most people usually skip. Once you clear up your automatic thought processes, you're ready to move on to the next step and really get things going.
I’m assuming that you now have control of at least 60% or better, of your automatic thought processes and this can take some time and continued vigilance. That means that you don’t easily fall into negative patterns or triggers and if you do, you can quickly change gears or not dwell in the negative. Now we can start fine-tuning to attract what you want. By the process and practice of taking control of your thoughts and becoming mindful you have in a way made that muscle much stronger. You should find it easier to focus your attention where you like for much longer periods and will be less likely to be distracted. Meditation is a great way to further improve this ability and is one which I highly recommend.

“Thoughts create an electrical charge and feelings create a magnetic charge. The two together create an electromagnetic charge.” So this desire then becomes very powerfully electrically and magnetically attracted to you!
It’s the focus that you give to that which you wish to attract that will deliver it to you. This focus needs to be like a laser beam to what you want. Let’s talk about this focus for a moment. It shouldn’t be at all wishful. Being wishful is indicative of something you don’t have or is out of reach. Instead, your focus should be in the moment. As if it is already yours, build a picture or a moving video in your mind and put yourself in it. That brings me to another key to this focus. As you do this, feel the emotions and sensations that you would feel as if it had already happened or is happening at the present time. Feel the joy and happiness you would experience. Remember the quote I referenced in part I, “Thoughts create an electrical charge and feelings create a magnetic charge. The two together create an electromagnetic charge.” So this desire then becomes very powerfully electrically and magnetically attracted to you!

This should be at least once a day or twice or more is even better. For how long? How long can you sustain your focus uninterrupted and what kind of time can you devote to it following my guidelines? Once you know the answers to these questions you’ll know how often and how long you need to do it.
In Manifestation and how we Attract ( Part III ) we will go over the many ways and other tools we can use to best deliver our focused desires and increase the power behind them.
With Love and Light,
Katherine McBride, C.P.C.
Reiki Master / Teacher
Karuna Reiki® Master / Teacher
Certified Life Coach
Cell: 714.321.8259