If you have a daily meditation practice now, good for you! If you've been doing this for a while I’m sure you have become aware of some of its many benefits. If you're doing it twice daily all the better but what about the rest of the time? Did you know you can make mindfulness into a waking meditation?
How many of us who do practice meditation are finding that inner peace and stillness for those few precious minutes then only within an hour or two, get caught up in their day, losing present moment awareness? We start getting in our heads, chasing the future or lamenting an unpleasant past, reacting to triggers. We start getting back into old programming.
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With Love and Light,
Katherine McBride, C.P.C. & Molly Idnani
Reiki Master / Teacher
Karuna Reiki® Master / Teacher
Certified Life Coach
Cell: 714.321.8259
Email: reikiearthmother@gmail.com
Website: reikiearthmother.com